This is Giovanni Ravazzani’s website.
I am an associate professor within the Politecnico di Milano, in Italy, working in the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering.
My main research topics are centered around hydrological modelling, and more precisely:
- Flood forecasting
- Irrigation management
- Climate change
- Groundwater modelling
- River-groundwater interaction
- Flood risk
- Sediment transport
Latest news
- Monitoring discharge in vegetated floodplains: a case study of the piave riverA new paper has been published in Water and is now online. Title: Monitoring Discharge in Vegetated Floodplains: A Case Study of the Piave River Abstract:The accurate assessment of discharge in vegetated floodplains during floods is a persistent challenge in river engineering due to the difficulty of acquiring hydraulic data, the variability in vegetation roughness, and the limitations… (READ MORE)
- Weekly Monitoring and Forecasting of Hydropower Production Coupling Meteo-Hydrological Modeling with Ground and Satellite Data in the Italian AlpsA new paper has been published in Hydrology and is now online. Title: Weekly Monitoring and Forecasting of Hydropower Production Coupling Meteo-Hydrological Modeling with Ground and Satellite Data in the Italian Alps Abstract: This paper presents a system for supporting hydropower production on mountainous areas. The system couples the outputs of a numerical weather prediction… (READ MORE)
- Hydrological modelling for real time applicationA seminar was held at the Cyprus Institute in Nicosia. Download the slides here
- Infiltration modelling and irrigation managementA new paper has been published in Water and is now online. Title:Impact of infiltration process modeling on soil water content simulations for irrigation management Abstract: The uncertainty in a hydrological model, due to its structure or implemented input parameters, affects the accuracy of simulations that are usually used for important applications such as drought… (READ MORE)
- The ‘shift-target’ approachA new paper has been published in Geosciences and is now online. Title:From deterministic to probabilistic forecasts: The ‘shift-target’ approach in the Milan urban area (Northern Italy) Abstract: The number of natural catastrophes that affect people worldwide is increasing; among these, the hydro-meteorological events represent the worst scenario due to the thousands of deaths and… (READ MORE)