The ‘shift-target’ approach

A new paper has been published in Geosciences and is now online. Title:From deterministic to probabilistic forecasts: The ‘shift-target’ approach in the Milan urban area (Northern Italy) Abstract: The number of natural catastrophes that affect people worldwide is increasing; among… (READ MORE)
Flood forecast of the 12 October 2007 event in Valencia, Spain

A new paper has been published in Journal of Hydrometeorology and is now online. Title: A Comparison of Ensemble Strategies for Flash Flood Forecasting: The 12 October 2007 Case Study in Valencia, Spain Abstract: On 12 October 2007, several flash… (READ MORE)
Ensemble strategies for flood forecasting at Milano

A new paper has been published in Journal of Hydrology and is now online. Title: Potentialities of ensemble strategies for flood forecasting over the Milano urban area Abstract: Analysis of ensemble forecasting strategies, which can provide a tangible backing for… (READ MORE)